Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of Indian Nations Address

WASHINGTON—January 25, 2006—Joe A. Garcia, President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) – the nation’s oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization – will deliver the fourth annual State of Indian Nations Address on February 2, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. (EST) at the National Press Club. The address will take stock of the state of American Indian and Alaska Native nations in the United States. The speech will be delivered two days after President Bush's State of the Union Address and will relay to the President and the general public a comprehensive, contemporary and visionary picture of the challenges and opportunities before today’s American Indian and Alaska Native nations.

Listen tomorrow! Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. (EST)
at or

“It’s time to tell the real story of Indian Country,” said Garcia. “It’s time to look at our cultures and traditions and what they are telling us to advance successful agendas for Indian people in this modern world.”

Attending will be tribal leaders from across the nation, Administrations officials and national Indian organizations including: The National American Indian Housing Council, Native American Rights Fund, National Indian Education Association, National Indian Gaming Association, and the Friends Committee at National Legislation.