Monday, August 08, 2005

All You Out of My Way

Hanta Po--All You Out of My Way

Dick Bancroft--A Photographic Retrospective of the American Indian Movement," at Ancient Traders Gallery (1113 East Franklin Ave., Minneapolis) through August 13.

Photo: Warriors, The Longest Walk, Tom LaBlanc, John Blue Bird, and Stacey LaBlanc, In Front of the FBI Building, Washington, D.C., 1978.

From, George Slade writes:

Dick Bancroft [the photographer] acknowledges that one reason he committed so much of his energy over the past 35 years to photographing Indians—from South and Central America as well as North America—was because of the strong personalities he encountered in their midst. The gusto, drive, wit, and charisma of leaders like Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt, William and Russell Means, Dennis Banks, and Leonard Peltier cemented Bancroft’s interest in serving history and telling the story of this fundamentally American encounter between dominant and indigenous cultures.

Photo at Right: Dennis Banks, Leech Lake, Takeover of the NSP Dam, Lac Courtes Orielles, Wisconsin, 1971.

These photos are amazingly powerful. I don't have much to say. I'll just let them speak for themselves.

If you don't know much about the American Indian Movement(AIM), I suggest:

Indian Power, Rick St. Germaine, Takeover of the NSP Dam, Lac Courte Orielles, Wisconsin, 1971.


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