Today is the day of annual bitterness and consternation known as Columbus Day. Most NDNs call it Genocide Day. I have one Navajo friend who calls it National Date Rape Day. Suffice it to say it is not the favorite holiday in the indigenous peoples of the Americas calendar.
Unfortunately, I also have four mid-terms today. Did they do that on purpose? Is this another way to fuck the NDNs over? I kid. I always kid in the face of genocide. But I'm not joking when I say I don't have time to make the comments deserved to educate folks who may not know why NDNs so loathe this holiday.
So I point you to
Transform Columbus Day.
Why Transform Columbus Day? "The Transform Columbus Day Alliance actively rejects the celebration of Christopher Columbus and his legacy of domination, oppression, and colonialism. We also reject historical misconceptions regarding Columbus and his "discovery" of the Americas.
By saying NO to Columbus and his day we are saying YES to a new future of mutual respect, collaboration, and equality..."