Friday, April 22, 2005

Please Don't Shoot the Indians

Good news for any Indians visiting Spearfish, South Dakota. Mayor Jerry Krambeck has repudiated the law that says, "If three or more Indians are walking down the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired upon."

Now to be fair, Krambeck says that there is no evidence that this law actually existed. Actually he says the law doesn't exist now, but that does not mean such a law never existed. He is convinced that this is just an urban legend that got started on the Internet and has become so believed, and believable, that he felt the need to officially repudiate it.

Indians can now feel free to travel to Spearfish, although I still wouldn't travel in groups, just in case.


Blogger Sylvana said...

That's great to hear. Now if Alabama would just wake up and get their racist laws off the book.

12:40 AM  

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